The business was initially built in New Jersey and serviced local clients. We Started offices in new territories and eventually became a National IT Support Corporation with branches in different locations. Configured with attention to detail, critical business systems and process development led to the expansion from New Jersey to local business locations throughout the country. Located in Eastern Pennsylvania- but rooted in New Jersey. This exemplifies the dedication that every small business owner should expect from their managed IT service provider.
Philadelphia Tech Support incorporates the core values, teams, and business processes from a successful IT Support And IT Services Parent Organization into a new region. Because of our systems, processes, procedures, and people surrounding IT Management and IT Security, we can deliver cost-effective solutions that meet business goals and continually exceed them while not sacrificing timeliness, price effectiveness, responsiveness, and reliability.
We’re a client-faceted IT Support and Services Business (with a twist). Based initially in New Jersey, we’ve grown and scaled our business by solving business challenges in the Technology Services Marketplace.
Our business is Unique: Solving Business Challenges.
We’ve resolved a widespread business problem for small businesses that need technology services. We’ve done this in a very innovative and effective way. We use the business infrastructure, back-end helpdesk, and technical support stack to deliver and distribute managed service offerings locally to our Philadelphia Businesses.
The key differentiator between us and others is our unique value proposition.
Most of our back-end processes rely on our platform-style business model from our parent organization. This enables us (and ensures that we can) offer technical services (many different specialized skill sets) to various businesses in many other areas. We are utilizing our core team (Cyber Security Experts and Systems administrators) in combination with an extended service distribution network if you have offices in external locations.
We are different. Many Managed IT Services Businesses and Tech Support Companies in the IT Support category have good technical capabilities. They are great at solving technical challenges. However, they may lack robust customer service. In many cases, businesses have unique needs and require specialized technology skill sets (which may not be offered) by a standard IT Support Company or a run-of-the-mill IT Services Consultant.
Tired of billable service hours adding up?
MSP services provide flat monthly rates. Sometimes it can be scary when it seems like a project has no end, and the service charges add up faster than the rate of progression. Freelancers and independent consultants will often abuse service hours (utilize them rapidly).
MSP Businesses use specialized technicians. Since we use dedicated experts, we can price technical services very precisely, and we can perform services effectively. As an additional benefit, we are well-equipped to define project-based pricing or a project-based cost estimate (with a max ceiling on hours/price). This equates to a reliable estimate without hidden surprises.
You may have received an IT Services bill with the details and value missing from the billable hours on the invoice. Some businesses are left in the dark regarding detailed information surrounding services rendered, time spent, and other documentation-related items associated with support services. With Philadelphia Tech Support, you will have specific documentation regarding time spent and services performed.
Gone are the days of waiting on the IT guy to get to your phone call. IT Consultants and tech support freelancers are good people in most cases, but they have a limited upper limit that creates an upper threshold and equals support limitations. As a result, they may be stuck with an extensive client or have too many smaller clients to support a business with a diverse set of technical support needs.
Since our Internal team can manage your technology, we can provide the same level of documentation for internal and day-to-day IT Services in the same way that we would provide specific documentation surrounding specialized IT Services performed by a Technology Specialist. Within our managed solutions, our internal tech- team will support any specialist with timelines and enhanced documentation. We will provide thorough documentation and account for pricing (in projects, monthly charges, billable hours- or whatever they may entail).
No matter your industry and no matter how large or small your organization is- our business will tailor a specific solution to fit your precise needs. We work with businesses in manufacturing, construction, real estate, logistics & distribution, accounting & finance, law, and healthcare, our specialty, and we never take a one-size-fits-all approach; we always deliver with a dedicated service touch.
Our core team comprises various technical and communication talents any small business will need to operate in IT and customer service. Since our clients must rely on us, we rely strongly on a team that can deliver customer service as a priority. Many Small Shops have some of the very best technical talents onboard, but they need to gain the customer-service aspect of the business. We invite you to use our service and see how this added element works for your business.
We have direct access to platform services, which enable you to leverage normalized and standard technology services and highly specialized technical skill sets in multiple locations. This provides you access to on-demand resources in a way where you have more control, a higher level of efficiency, budget controls, and expenditure guidelines, all incorporated into your service agreement. And a management team on the back end for service management and documentation at no additional burden.
Philadelphia Tech Support provides various services for various business types, from industrial, logistics, and software firms, to start-ups, e-commerce giants, and service industries. Most of our client organizations have a strong business need for technology-related services, but they also have value for technical services. Most of our clients are technical strategists versus technically dependent ones.
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Looking For Fast Support?
We are Enterprise Grade: Philadelphia Tech Support is an enterprise-level business. We run and operate in the same fashion as any other enterprise-level business. We have internal employees, processes, standard operating procedures, and client satisfaction requirements.
Additional Manpower equates to Specialized Service Offerings: You can trust Philadelphia Tech Support with your Business IT Support needs. We employ a solid team to support small businesses and enterprise-level organizations. We provide specialists in various support categories and complete customer service, and we can accommodate changes in client demands.
An established Business Model: Our business model is unique. Our sophisticated service delivery and pricing models enable our business to maintain operational stability but not hurt client organizations. Our internal service dispatch processes and customer satisfaction requirements are detail-oriented.
Philadelphia Tech Support is a smaller local company but directly attached to the parent company Race Computer Services racecs.com. Philadelphia Tech Support is also in direct contact with several other IT support organizations, such as Pop Quiz Computers, popquizmsp.com, and others.
When evaluated independently, Philadelphia Tech support is a locally run and operated business. However, with our helpdesk and service network, we retain the service level of a national service provider with a dedicated service desk, dispatching capabilities, extensive onsite support, and customer support services on par with any national IT services firm.
Most IT service providers have limitations with service delivery capability. In one-person or two-person tech shops, service delivery for corporate businesses with significant IT Support needs may find a local service provider less than adequate. Philadelphia Tech Support resolves these service delivery limitations with an entire team and scalable service offerings.
Our tech team collectively has more than 150 years of combined experience, and their skill sets encompass every area of small business and enterprise-grade IT support services.
Philadelphia Tech Support typically supports client businesses generating 2 million dollars per year or more in revenue, with respectable profit margins. While we don’t provide specific minimums for new clients, our services offer an advantage for most small businesses. Still, companies with 2 million in revenue or more may experience an additional value for our services. We prefer to work with clients we can help, which enables us to develop a long-term relationship with our clients and helps us keep a win-win relationship with them. We help them, and they help us!
We don’t require a monthly service plan for all our services; however, most businesses will require ongoing IT support services. Many small business owners may have an accurate identification regarding the level of need for technology maintenance and proactive services. Sometimes it’s because companies are operating on fragile margins.
Technology and businesses are both complex- in their ways. Using our service, you can leverage our expertise to make your business and technology work well together, turning technology challenges into seamless productivity. The output creates efficiency for your business, increasing productivity and profitability. As a tenant of our IT Management Services, you can capitalize on the gains of effective IT automation in your company.
Our service model and pricing structure allow us to create a happy medium between price and value for our clients. This secret mix enables us to grow our business and support your business technology systems effectively and reliably- while also helping our client organizations to advance.
It was a pleasure to have you guys working with us on our Windows 7 upgrade project
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